Connecting the dots of 2023.

2 min readMay 6, 2024



Happy 2024 everyone.
Introverted Soul wishing months late :P

Choosing whether to make this my inaugural write-up of 2024 presented a challenge. However, what better way to commence a new year than by reflecting on the events of the past one?

The year brought about extensive travel, work engagements, encounters with new people, interactions with higher authorities, and a myriad of experiences that collectively led me to a significant realization — that I am, indeed, an introvert.
Yet, this time, I embrace this aspect of my personality with pride.

Earlier, I was the one acknowledging the unfortunate reality that society often doesn’t accept introverted children. This realization led me to harbor negative feelings about my past self — not necessarily hate, perhaps more like a sense of dislike or insecurity. However, at a certain point, a profound realization struck me.

Shouldn’t I be the very last person to turn against myself?

Society tends to exclude individuals like us, eagerly waiting for us to make a mistake that they can seize upon to justify their disdain.

Certainly, being an introvert meant I interacted with fewer people, and my emotions were not always overtly displayed. But it never hindered my ability to seize opportunities or diminished my confidence, curiosity, or willingness to ask questions. The past year has been an invaluable treasure in every dimension of my life, and I intend to cherish it wholeheartedly.

And made me realize…


And there it was.
The first step.
The mark of the initial stride in embracing.

Mind you, even today, I am not ACCEPTING my current stage, because I know that if I accepted it, I would become comfortable with it and not strive for any changes.

I didn’t Accept it,
I just stopped DISLIKING it.
That is, it.
The beginning of the New Year.




Still amazed by the fact that eyes and mind are the perfect combination to read and write. 🖤 Trying to convey my side of the story in just 1–2 min read.